The Deeper Walk Model

for Lasting Transformation

Heart-Focused Discipleship

Many Churches have lost hope that transformational discipleship even exists. We want to share with you our unique and proven model that is helping Christians and churches everywhere experience true, lasting transformation. 

We call it “heart-focused discipleship.” It’s biblical, practical, and anchored in the Gospel. The goal is to help you experience freedom and grow in maturity in Christ.

  • Freedom – Spiritual Warfare and Emotional Healing.

    As a child of God, freedom is your birthright! However, freedom is not automatic.

  • Identity – Grace vs. Law.
    Every Christian has a shared identity based on Covenant (what Christ has done for us) and an individual identity based on Creation (who God has uniquely made us to be).

  • Spirit – Scripture and Conversational Prayer.
    Walking in the Spirit will open up a whole new way of living in union with Christ. Learning to hear God’s voice and experience His presence with you in your daily life changes everything!

  • Heart-focused Community – Belonging and Relational Skills.
    No one is called to go it alone. We are created for community that goes beyond the surface to sharing life from the heart.

The gospel is meant to transform us and to propel us outward to the world. FISH leads to Mission, and engaging in Mission will take us deeper in our own journey of transformation.

  • Mission – Reach the lost and lead them to full maturity in Christ.
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