The Missing Piece to a Deeper Walk with God
If you are feeling stuck in your walk with God, this post provides some suggestions to determine your next step in deepening your walk with Him.
If you are feeling stuck in your walk with God, this post provides some suggestions to determine your next step in deepening your walk with Him.
In order to run the life-race prepared for us, we need eyes to see what to throw off and focus on our Pace-Setter to keep in step with Him.
We are each designing our lives. As children of God, we can move towards an abundant life, overflowing with His joy.
Psalm 91:1 is our promise of rescue. It declares God’s protection over us. May this bring hope and comfort to your heart.
Bonding is the strongest force in the human brain and it drives transformation. Imitation is how we become who we are. We can apply these to our relationship with God to grow in Christlikeness.
It’s the tiny things that accumulate into a lifetime of faithfulness. As you practice resting in God’s presence, you will grow joy and confidence in His love.
Joy changes everything. Your brain will drive you to find joy somewhere. You can experience the joy you need through relationship with God and others to protect yourself from seeking out joy-substitutes.
God desires us to experience life with a foundation of His love and joy toward us. This is what leads us to “abundant life” as promised by Jesus.
What can you do to spread a little joy in this dark world? You may be surprised how much fun you have finding ways to make someone’s day!
This post describes various attachment styles that helps us understand how we see the world and experience life.
Let’s go to the “emotional gym” to build our capacity to navigate life regardless of how challenging it is. Try some of the practical tips offered in this post.
We can increase our capacity to live in harmony with those whom we experience dissension. This is the desire of Jesus as expressed in His prayer prior to His death.
This is one of three posts on various attachment patterns that cause us to develop survival instincts and patterns. Disorganized Debbie is a representation of one of those attachment styles.
This is one of three posts on various attachment patterns that cause us to develop survival instincts and patterns. Distracted David is a representation of one of those attachment styles.
This is one of three posts on various attachment patterns that cause us to develop survival instincts and patterns. Dismissive Danny is a representation of one of those attachment styles.
Psalm 91 can be used as a sword to defeat the enemy. Let’s stand boldly in the covering of His armor while we worship the King of kings.
Isaiah 55 is filled with encouragement and promises for us to receive. Take a look at it more closely here.
God designed us to be securely attached in relationships. There are 4 main attachment patterns to recognize. As we understand these, it can help us grow healthy patterns in place of broken ones.
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