Journey Groups


Moved to Alive & Well

Journey Groups have moved with Amy Brown to one of our partner ministries, Alive & Well! Learn more and register for these online relational discipleship groups that are transforming lives on Alive & Well’s website.

This might interest you, we now offer Deeper Dives! These interactive online small groups are 8-12 weeks long. Take a ‘deeper dive’ with an expert in the field. Each course includes teaching, skill practice in breakout rooms, and live Q&A with the presenter. You’ll also get exclusive access to the teaching videos to come back to at your convenience.

Meet God in a Powerful, Personal Way

Seize the Moment

Have you been craving authentic connection and deeper relationships? Despite attending church, reading your Bible, and praying, you may still feel disconnected or stagnant in your spiritual growth. You are not alone. Sadly, most Christians are not experiencing the fullness of God’s joy because they lack a real sense of community. Following Jesus was never meant to be a solo experience and growing in Him doesn’t happen by accident. We need each other. Someone a few steps ahead to walk with us and help us grow.

This is exactly what I have been craving and needing! Powerful connections and a bond of joy.
– Michelle W, TN

Extroverts, introverts, and omniverts — no matter your personality, you were designed to be in community.

It is wonderful seeing God working in each one, and I’ve become more compassionate and understanding.

Leonard L.

Since 2018, Deeper Walk International has offered Journey Groups to believers like you who are hungry for a deeper relationship with Christ and thirsty for authentic community. Journey Groups are unique in that both Scripture and brain science are built into the lessons, which activate the renewing of your mind according to God’s design. Journey Groups help align your heart, mind, and spirit so that everything in your life works more smoothly — your emotions, health, relationships, faith, sense of belonging, and maturity.

This will change you

It’s funny how just one small decision can change the course of your entire life. We can wholeheartedly attest that joining a Journey Group will be one of the best decisions you make this year. Once you join, you’ll get the sense that you’ve found “your people.” 

Encouraged. Seen.
Heard. Valued.


These lessons and this group have absolutely changed my life.

Kim C, MN

People just like you who care as much as you do about strengthening healthy relationships and investing in spiritual growth. And even better — you’ll learn and grow more than you have in years from the shared wisdom, love, and advice in the group. Reasons for not doing things will always come up. Doubts and fears may nag you. But if you take a deep breath (and a leap of faith)… being part of a Journey Group will re-energize your heart and spirit, leaving you refreshed and deeply satisfied. And by deciding to join NOW, you won’t have to wait until next year when groups reopen. Together, you and your group can expect God to be revealed in amazing and beautiful ways.

Try before you commit!

Want to see one in action before signing up? Try a free sample Journey Group live. Register below to be invited to attend a meeting in the next 30 days. Meetings are available at various times and dates so you can choose what works best for you.

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Answers to the questions you may have

A Journey Group is a small group that meets once a week either online or locally. We currently have over 100 groups going strong, with 25 new groups starting this fall. The groups typically have 7-12 members. Through this one-of-a-kind experience, Journey Groups walk you through a curriculum of faith-building exercises based on Biblical truths and neuroscience to help you hear God’s voice, dig deep, experience inner healing, and live the abundant life God designed. We share our journey of growth in freedom and identity in Christ, relational skills, maturity, walking by the Spirit, creating connection and community, and cultivating a deeper walk with God.

Not every small group is equipped to go deep. Our groups take seriously the practice of spiritual habits that transform us. We actively listen to God’s voice and discover His will. You don’t cruise in a Journey Group, rather you are truly seen, cared for, prayed for, encouraged, and supported to see and experience true growth.

In 2016, Amy Brown brought together a group of friends who wanted to go deeper with God, and thus began Journey Groups. Beginning in 2018, Deeper Walk facilitated Journey Groups under Amy Brown’s leadership. As more groups were formed, Amy created the Certified Journey Group Leadership Community to provide excellent in-depth training to others who wanted to offer Journey Groups online or locally.

Given the huge growth and popularity of Journey Groups, Deeper Walk supports Amy in her move to Alive & Well, one of our partner ministries, where we pray Journey Groups can be offered by many churches, organizations and individuals. Deeper Walk continues to champion Journey Groups for members of our community. 

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Amy Brown is the Director of Journey Groups and the Certified Journey Group Leadership Community, a relational skills trainer with THRIVEtoday, and author of the Journey Groups curriculum and co-author of Relational Skills in the Bible. She has a passion for developing local and online communities that build strong bonds between members, accelerate emotional and spiritual growth, and increase intimacy with our ever-present Immanuel.

Join from anywhere — meet online. Just find a group that best fits your schedule and sign up. You can begin with Level 1 Journey Group or a Discover Group (a 9 week introduction), and move into Level 2, or select from any number of Electives which cover related materials. See the Alive & Well website for more information on what is available now.

Weekly topics include life-changing material from Life Model Works, Deeper Walk, Alive & Well, and THRIVEtoday. Your group will follow a curriculum that includes walking in freedom, growing your identity in Christ, developing emotional maturity, participating in a multi-generational community, practicing relational skills, and so much more! Unit 1 lasts for 4 weeks and covers check in, appreciation, relational circuits, listening to Jesus together and sharing what we sense. After you complete Level I, you can advance to  Level II, Level III, or one of our Electives.


We meet weekly for an hour. There’s flexibility of days and times to fit your schedule.

The Journey Groups listed on the Alive & Well website are offered by Certified Journey Group Leaders. These certified leaders have participated in a Journey Group, completed the Certified Journey Group Leadership Training Program and will be experienced with Life Model concepts of belonging, attachment, maturity, healing from trauma, and tuning in to God’s perspective.

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