Stay On the Trail toward a Deeper Walk with God with father-daughter duo Marcus & Stephanie Warner. Listen in on conversations about important models and concepts that inform the way we live the Christian life. We’ll talk philosophy, theology, and practical issues related to heart-focused discipleship.
How do joy and fear bonds affect our relationship with God? God designed us for joyful attachments—and that includes with HIM! This week we’re focusing on how understanding joy and fear bonds can help us both with our biblical interpretations and our personal walks with God. What are common metaphors for attachment in the Bible? […]
Is your brain running on fear? If your brain isn't running on its preferred fuel—joy, it will default to fear. Last episode we started looking at the relational infrastructure of our brains. This week we're looking at Fear vs. Joy Bonds through the lens of fear-based attachment styles. What's Your Attachment Style (fear edition)? Our […]
God designed the infrastructure of our brains to run on relational joy. What does this mean for our daily life? In our first series of 2025, we’re diving back into the B.U.I.L.D. Maturity Model from Breakthrough! and covering the important emotional engine of Increase Your Joy Bonds. If our brains run on relational joy, it’s […]
Your true self is the person God designed to live on the fuel of relational joy. In our final episode of 2024, we are here to have a jolly R.A.R.E. time as we consider what it looks like to be our true selves during the holidays. We’ve got strategies to keep in mind for remaining relational […]
What does it look like to be me when the holidays are difficult? This two-part holiday series strategizes how to “act like myself” during the press and potential triggers of the holiday season. In part one, we’re specifically addressing two common reasons for why this can be difficult and making some plans for how to […]
Does it ever feel like you have a powder keg inside you? Hit the wrong button, and negative emotions erupt inside. Or perhaps you've seen this in a loved one and find yourself in a “button dance” to avoid pressing each other's buttons. In this episode, we're looking at the relationship between beliefs and wounds. […]
My true identity is who I am in relationship to God. God is the definer of my identity. Because of this, any hole in my sense of identity is also a hole in my view of God, and any hole in my view of God is going to affect how I see myself. When we […]
Our emotions can’t tell the difference between a truth and a lie. Many breakthrough strategies have to deal with beliefs at one level or another. For the next three episodes, we’ll be looking at this engine of the Breakthrough Model. This week is all about the power of beliefs to drive our emotions and behavior. […]
Part of being aware of our body is knowing how to quiet. We quiet our minds by replacing toxic thinking with good thinking. We quiet our bodies by changing our body chemistry and calming our amygdala. In this week's episode, we're looking at four practices that can help us quiet our body when we feel […]
How can the BODY affect our breakthrough journey? In this series, we are exploring five areas where we often need a breakthrough. The first of these five engines that drive our emotions is the body. This engine functions like a two-way street. Sometimes emotions affect our body. Sometimes our body affects our emotions. If we […]
How can the brain affect our breakthrough journey? To continue this Breakthrough! series, we’re talking about our God-given identity and maturity development by looking at three keys of brain function and five levels of maturity. For instance, the brain craves the fuel of ____. (If you filled in the blank with “JOY,” you may have […]
In this episode, we are introducing the core paradigms of the Breakthrough! series: Three Levels of Breakthrough and Five Engines that Drive Our Emotions. When people are in search of a breakthrough, it’s usually at one of three levels of need, and each need has its own solution: LEVEL 1: Relieve pain by focusing on […]
And we’re back! Sabbatical is over, we are together again in a new studio, and we're celebrating our 100th new episode with a new season! (Can you sense a theme here?) Season Three is kicking off with a series all about Breakthrough! In this episode, we're looking at growth models. Growth models are crucial because […]
Has your life ever felt chaotic and empty? From Genesis 1 onward, God has shown us His purposes for bringing order and fullness to our lives. In this compilation, we're revisiting the Advent & Incarnation series. (Stephanie says it's never the wrong time of year to celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ.) But more than […]
We are a people who believe God defines reality. In this compilation series, we contrast the occult with the Kingdom, specifically regarding the involvement of spirits in the world and the roles of power and authority. Power can be defined as the ability to make things happen. Authority can be defined as the right to […]
“We are a people who…” …love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44) …find rest in Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30) …practice Gospel habits and abide in God's peace (Philippians 4:9) In Part 4 of the Identity Series, we wrap up this compiled topic with the role of Community in our identity formation […]
Who does God say you are? We spent last week calling out the devil's lies and strategies for warping your self-perception. Like tearing down our fear house and building a joy house, let us tear down our Kosmos identity and live from our Kingdom identity. (If you missed “Fear vs. Joy House,” find it here.) […]
Two realms want to define your identity: the Kingdom & the Kosmos. The Kingdom teaches us how to see reality, God, and ourselves as God sees. The Kosmos teaches us via the world, the flesh, and the devil working together to give us an identity and affect what we believe. In Part 2 of the […]
God designed us to know ourselves based on relational identity. Over the next couple weeks, we'll be reviewing identity formation from the angles of brain science, Scripture, spiritual warfare, and community. Our brains work from right to left, from attachment to beliefs. So it makes sense we follow that pattern. This week's compilation reviews how […]
Is your joy elevator stuck? Do you ever find yourself rummaging in the kitchen for something, but you don’t know what? Has someone ever given you good advice, but the emotional weight you are feeling won’t go away? These are just two mild indicators that your joy elevator might be stuck in some pain that […]
This series explores the transformative nature of JOY. Our brains are designed to run on the fuel of joy, but they can default to fear. In their book The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People, Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey talk about building an internal joy house. Part of building a joy house is tearing down […]
How do we keep the devil from claiming footholds in our lives? This series looks at the five main areas where we surrender ground to the enemy. These five areas can be remembered with the acrostic SOUL-L: Sin, the Occult, Unforgiveness, Lies we believe, and Lineage. If sin is like leaving your front door unlocked […]
Satan thought he had defeated Christ at the Cross only to discover that Jesus had completely flipped the tables on him. Christ is Victor. At the Cross, Jesus Christ disarmed the principalities and powers and canceled the debt against us (Col. 2:14-15). This victory is the foundation of our freedom and our authority in Christ. […]
Do our attachment styles, maturity levels, and relational skills affect our prayer life? In this series, we look at listening prayer and inner healing. What is listening prayer and what is it not? This conversation focuses on prayer at the lifestyle level and then on R.E.A.L. prayer at the healing level. How do we invite […]
Do you ever feel like you are scraping the bottom of the barrel? Like you’re a deflating ball that just won’t bounce? This series wants to help you pump more air into that ball. We’re looking at emotional resilience. What is capacity and why is it so important? What are tools for growing emotional capacity? […]
???? Happy Birthday, On the Trail! This week marks TWO YEARS on the trail together. And we have a birthday gift for you!! We’ve been hinting at The Freedom Course all year, and it’s finally here. Not only does it release today with a festive sale but also YOU GET AN EXTRA DISCOUNT! In celebration […]
In this compilation of the Life of Jesus series, we look at prophecies He fulfilled, key points of His ministry, His Gospel values, and His work on the Cross and resurrection. Feel S.M.A.R.T. as we revisit the five stages of Jesus Christ's earthly ministry. Dig into Jesus' works on the C.R.O.S.S. Learn four evidences of […]
Worldview. What is it, and why is it important? As Christians, we want to see reality as God sees it. In this compilation of the Kingdom Worldview series, we revisit a Kingdom theology, how to be a Kingdom people, and the three pillars of Sacred Romance, Sovereign Lordship, and Spiritual Warfare. Understanding that God is […]
Do you understand your identity in Christ? Your freedom? While Marcus is on Sabbatical, we are revisiting prior series in compilation episodes. This week we’re returning to the F.I.S.H. model, with today’s topic specifically looking at identity and freedom. Based on Deeper Walk’s flagship book, the FISH series walks through the gospel’s four essentials: freedom, […]
Last week we looked at four approaches that have missed the mark in transformative discipleship. Now it’s time to look at heart-focused discipleship. While Marcus is on Sabbatical, we are revisiting prior series in compilation episodes. This week we’re coming back to the F.I.S.H. model. This series introduces the whole-brained, heart-focused discipleship model known as […]
Over the summer we’re compiling the episodes from an entire series into one episode to release on our normal Monday schedule. So now, let’s time travel to July 2022 and On the Trail’s first podcast series! The Broken Discipleship Factory series is an introduction to the concepts found in the book The Solution of Choice […]
We’ve made it to the promised land! The people of Israel have left behind their victim identity and taken on a freedom identity. It’s been quite the journey. In Egypt, we see them in a world of perpetual crisis and in need of salvation. In the Exodus, we see God get them through the tunnel […]
What does it look like to move forward into a life of freedom and continued healing? Now that we have completed the Exodus journey, learned our boot camp lessons, and entered the promised land, it's time to walk out our victorious life in the Spirit. In this episode, we're looking at four case studies for […]
The wilderness is over! Joshua has taken charge, and it’s time to leave the manna behind and live off the fruit of the land God has for them. The lessons of boot camp are all coming together in Joshua. Victory comes when you fight the battles God asks you to fight how and when He […]
Moses and Joshua were practiced in walking with God — stopping and seeking Him, listening to Him, obeying Him, and watching what happened when they did—or didn’t. In this episode, we’re looking at the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua and walking with God into the promised land. Come join us on the trail! […]
You've heard of David and Goliath, but do you know about Moses and the Giants? This week you can expect some brain science, some biblical insights, and encouragement that breakthroughs can happen no matter the state of your generational contexts. Come join us On the Trail! Helpful Links: SOM Summer Intensives: Breakthrough! Deeper […]
When we find ourselves stuck with consequences we can’t change, are we going to be angry and bitter about it? Are we going to seek God in the midst of it? In this episode, we are breaking down camp and setting out with the people of Israel toward the promised land. But when the people […]
We don’t have to earn God’s presence. In Christ, it is a gift! When we’re on a healing journey, it is easy to feel dirty and unclean. But Christ has done the work to make us clean so that the Holy Spirit can live within us, so we can have relationship with God. Atonement is […]
What does it mean to be holy? The healing journey we’ve been on with the people of Israel has been a process of dismantling their old identity and creating a new one. This involves creating a new culture. With a new culture comes a new Law — rituals, protocols, and principles for interacting with the […]
We have been on a victory journey with the people of Israel, one where they learn to die to their old identity, rise to their new identity, walk with God, and live in community. They’re about to leave their boot camp in the wilderness and head toward the promised land. Alas, something tragic happens before […]
We don’t have to be whole & healed to have intimacy with God. Last week, we looked at the Mountain of God as a model of covenant relationship. This week, we get to watch God provide the next, incredible step toward a lifestyle of intimacy with Him. God is not waiting at the top of […]
We’ve made it to camp! During God’s two-year boot camp for the people of Israel, about a year was spent in one location: the Mountain of God. Why the Mountain? It is a place of encounter, where the people of Israel see and experience God. It is a place of relationship, where the people and […]
It's time for boot camp. We like acrostics around here, but are you ready to learn a marching song? In this episode, we are on the trail with the people of Israel as God leads them to the Mountain of God. God knows they need to learn to trust Him for their survival, and He […]
Last episode we witnessed the miraculous rescue of the people of Israel at the Red Sea. They're finally free. Now what? In this episode, before walking with the people of Israel into the wilderness, we're pulling together a vision of the journey as a whole. God sees us when we are oppressed and groaning. He knows what has […]
All is lost if God doesn’t show up. In this episode, we look at the original “Red Sea Moment.” The people of Israel are trapped between a sea and an army. There is no earthly way they will survive, and they know it. Despite their fear and lack of faith, God shows up according to […]
Passover. It stands apart not just as the final sign in Yahweh’s confrontation with His people’s oppressors but also as a theologically significant climactic event that we continue to celebrate today. With this event, the people of Israel prepare to embark on the start of their freedom journey. This is a journey from a slavery […]
“But Pharaoh said, ‘Who is the LORD that I should obey His voice and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, and besides, I will not let Israel go.” (Exodus 5:2 NASB) Pharaoh asks. Yahweh answers. In this episode, we discuss the “Ten Plagues” narrative, throughout which God reiterates ‘so that they may […]
The Hero’s beloved has been captured and abused, and He will not let it stand. He is coming not only to rescue her but to humiliate her abuser. In this episode, we press into the heavy beginning of the Exodus story. The people of Israel are groaning under ruthless oppression, but God hears them and […]
Season Two!! On the Trail is now on video, and we are starting a new series. In this new series we are looking at the Exodus story. The people of Israel are groaning in a state of generational slavery and abuse. God hears their cry and instigates a rescue mission that unfolds into an epic […]
What does demon manifestation look like? Can you forgive God? These and more we’ll be addressing as we answer your listener questions in this week’s episode. We hope you’ll join us on the trail!
Have you encountered discipleship that gave you a picture of what it looks like to be a Christian on the outside, but it didn’t seem to have answers for what was happening on the inside? At Deeper Walk, our mission is to make Heart-Focused Discipleship the norm for Christians everywhere. What is heart-focused discipleship and […]
In the first episode of 2024, we are talking about the three levels of breakthrough and the 5 “engines” or factors that need to be addressed in any breakthrough journey. We also have some exciting news for the near future!
In the final episode of 2023, we are wrapping up the Advent & Incarnation series with a look at the two-way street of preparation. How has God prepared for us? How do we prepare for Him? As we wrap up this series and the year, we hope you’ll join us on the trail! Also! New […]
God wants to walk with us. In this week’s episode, we continue discussing the Incarnation by looking at this incredible truth that God wants us to be in relationship with Him. This is a listening, conversational relationship characterized by trust and obedience, where He seeks us and we seek Him.
God understands our weakness. The incarnation paved the way for Jesus Christ to become our High Priest, so we can approach God boldly and find the mercy and grace we need. What does it mean for Jesus Christ to be our High Priest? (And who was Melchizedek?) We discuss this and more in today’s episode. […]
Has your life ever felt chaotic or empty? From Genesis 1 onward, God has shown us His purposes for bringing order and fullness to our lives. As we enter the Advent season, we’re turning our attention to the Incarnation of Christ and God’s heart and plans for this redemption story. In this episode, we specifically […]
What does it look like to have authority in Christ? In this episode, we discuss the legal understanding of the believer’s authority and some practical applications.
What does it mean for a believer to have authority in Christ? Do we have all the authority Christ has? Do we have none of it? Or is the answer somewhere between? In this episode, we discuss the authority believers have in Christ.
We are a people who believe God defines reality. In the start of a new mini series on the authority of the believer, we’re talking about occult vs. Kingdom. In this episode, we’re looking at these worldviews regarding the involvement of spirits in the world and the roles of power & authority. P.S. There was […]
The invasion is already here. Now what? In this 37-minute special, we address the elephant in the room. It’s Halloween season, and spiritual warfare is on many minds. What is the occult? How do we recognize it? How do we love well in the midst of it?
Do you know your identity in Christ? The Gospel is not just a ticket to Heaven. It is the foundation of Discipleship. In this episode, we’re reconnecting Identity to its Gospel foundation and reviewing how it all fits together.
“We are a people who…” In this episode, we look at the role of Community in identity formation. How does community bring the two sides of our brain together? How can we resist mistaking our malfunctions for our identity? Community is key to answering the question, “Who am I, and how is it like me […]
Are you a sinner or a saint? In this episode, we wrap up the acrostic P.A.C.T. with a look at our New Covenant identity as bearing the Title “Saint.” What is holiness? What does it actually mean to be a saint and how does that relate to sin?
You have a Kingdom passport. In Christ, you are a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. What does this practically mean in our present age? In this episode, we’re looking at our identity as Citizens.
What does the Roman Empire teach us about the context of “adoption” language in the New Testament? What are the practical realities of this adoption? In this episode, we look at what it means to be a child of God.
4 Keys to Understanding Your New Covenant Identity in Christ: You are Pardoned by God, Adopted by God, made a Citizen of the Kingdom of God, and given a new Title: Saint. In this episode, we unpack what it means to be pardoned by God.
Who does God say you are? We've been talking about who the world, the flesh, and the devil say you are. This week we’re moving into the Kingdom perspective! What is the New Covenant, and how does it inform not only how we understand our own identity but God’s as well? We’ll be taking […]
Are you believing a lie about yourself? About God? We’ve been talking about how the world, the flesh, and the devil try to shape us. In this episode, we look at how the devil uses deception to affect our identity.
What pockets of pain are shaping you? No one goes through life without experiencing pain, and that pain comes in all shapes and sizes. We can have pockets of pain from the bad that happens to us, from the absence of the good that we need, and from the way we compare ourselves to […]
How do the Kingdom and the Kosmos inform our identity? The Kingdom teaches us how to see reality, God, and ourselves as God sees. In Christ, the Kingdom gives us our New Covenant identity. The Kosmos involves the world, the flesh, and the devil working together to give us an identity. In this episode, we […]
You are not beyond repair. There is hope for you and for your children to grow and repair your identity formation for your whole life. Last episode we talked about attachment-based identity. This episode, we’re pushing into the hope of joyful identity, looking at childhood development and the possibility for growth and repair in adults.
From our brain's perspective, identity is always relational. Our brains work from right to left, from attachment to beliefs. As we embark into this identity series, we begin with an understanding of how attachment affects our identity. In this episode, we look at Scripture and brain science, digging into the fascinating idea of how the brain […]
Time for a new series! We’re looking at personal identity formation from brain science and biblical realities. Why does identity matter? How did God design us to form our identity? What does the Bible teach us about our identity? What can we do to overcome obstacles and repair holes that keep us from living out […]
Anxiety, VCR, Community, Joy – We cover it all in this episode based on your questions as we celebrate one year On the Trail together! We have gifts for you in this episode, including 1 month free of Learning Library Premium. Visit the Online Learning tab at our website and use code “streamfree” when you […]
What story is your brain telling you? Is it true? In this episode, we wrap up our discussion about the joy elevator and the pain processing pathway with a closer look at the brain’s narrative engine.
“Show, don’t tell” is the thing to remember for resolving pain stuck at Level 4 of the pain processing pathway. In this episode, we start celebrating OTT’s 1-year anniversary, and we camp out on level 4 of the pain processing pathway.
When the joy elevator in our brain gets stuck, our pain isn’t able to fully process. In this episode, we continue to unpack the joy elevator and the five levels of the pain processing pathway.
Sometimes the joy elevator in our brain gets stuck and our pain isn’t able to fully process. In order for suffering to keep from becoming traumatic, our brains need to process the pain at all five levels of the pain processing pathway. In this episode, we begin to unpack the joy elevator and the pain […]
It’s no secret – negativity robs our joy. Toxic thoughts can imprison us in unpleasant emotions. How do we get free and return to joy? In the next phase of our joy series, we’re discussing some of the brain science of toxic thoughts and strategies for how to replace them.
When emotions are dragging, there is an amygdala to soothe. In this episode we finish our discussion about how to tame the amygdala and return to joy when we find ourselves trapped in one of the big six negative emotions.
We’re continuing our joy series with a little brain science. When something triggers the amygdala as “personal,” it sends out a signal of good, bad, or scary. If bad or scary is signaled, it triggers one of six emotions: sadness, shame, disgust, despair, anger, or fear. For the next two episodes, we are talking about […]
Would you describe your inner world as joyful? Whether conscious of it or not, most of us live out of an inner world of fear or joy. Last episode we talked about tearing down that inner fear house. In this episode, we are talking about building an inner joy house. Building a joy house can […]
Let’s tear down the house of fear and build a house of joy. Last episode we introduced Joy Bonds. Our brains are designed to run on the fuel of joy, but they can default to fear. In this episode we’re looking at the counterpart—fear bonds.
A joy-filled life is possible. Let’s talk about how to cultivate one. Marcus says two words blew up his old paradigm: Joy Bonds. His old paradigm said belief + choice = transformation, but what about joy and attachment? We’re starting down a new trail for the summer where we explore the transformative nature of joy, […]
Did your ancestors open the door to the devil? We are wrapping up our series on the acrostic SOUL-L, which looks at five common areas where the devil claims ground in our lives and how to reclaim that surrendered ground. Today’s episode addresses lineage. Sometimes the enemy has permission to work in our lives because of the […]
Can believing a lie give the devil permission to my life? We are in the midst of looking at five common areas where the devil claims ground in our lives and how to reclaim that surrendered ground. Today’s episode looks at lies we believe. The devil is the “father of lies” (John 8:44). When we […]
We are in the midst of looking at five main areas where the devil claims ground in our lives and how to reclaim that surrendered ground. Today's episode looks at unforgiveness. The remedy for unforgiveness is forgiveness. In this episode we talk about what forgiveness is and what it is not.
If sin is like leaving your front door unlocked for the enemy, the occult is like throwing open the garage door and hosting a block party. We are in the midst of looking at five main areas where the devil claims ground in our lives. The goal is to help us know where to revoke permissions and […]
For the next few episodes we are looking at five main areas where the devil claims ground in our lives. These five areas can be remembered with the acrostic SOUL-L: Sin, the Occult, Unforgiveness, Lies we believe, and Lineage. Today's episode gives the overview of these five areas and then starts unpacking Sin.
Satan thought he had defeated Christ at the cross only to discover that Jesus had completely flipped the tables on him. Christ is Victor. At the cross, Jesus Christ disarmed the principalities and powers and canceled the debt against us (Col. 2:14-15). This victory is the foundation of our freedom and our authority in Christ. […]
In this episode, we look over the various main approaches to spiritual warfare – from power encounters to a legal understanding. From there we examine the legal approach, digging into the concept of permission and authority.
In this episode, we dig into some Scripture that exposes the devil's nature, and we begin to talk about some strategies for breaking and staying free of the enemy and his snares.
Last episode we talked about R.E.A.L. Prayer and how to invite Jesus into our emotional healing. This episode we are digging deeper into that discussion and looking at some of the obstacles people encounter when engaging in inner healing prayer. Are your relational circuits off? Are you encountering demonic interference? Is it possible that a […]
Last episode we talked about listening prayer and how this practice can help us connect with God more intimately in our lifestyle. This episode we are digging into the emotional healing side of listening prayer and looking at the acrostic R.E.A.L.
In this episode, we are talking about prayer, especially as it relates to connecting with God. Do our attachment styles, maturity levels, or relational skills affect our prayer life? What is Listening Prayer (and what is it not)? This conversation focuses on listening prayer at the lifestyle level. In the next episode, we'll focus on […]
As we wrap up the Resilience series, we're looking at the final topic, “Connecting with God.” What does it look like to connect with God – to know, trust, and obey Him? We also take the first part of the episode to discuss the Asbury Revival 2023.
In this episode we continue our “Connecting with People” discussion by digging into the super helpful tool “VCR,” which stands for Validate, Comfort, Recover. You can use this tool to help yourself and to help others. We talk about VCR in different situations and age groups, left- vs. right-brain emotions, and more.
We've been talking about the ABCs of Bounce, and today we come to “C” – Connecting with People and with God. In this episode we're specifically looking at Connecting with People. What is belonging and why is it important? Vulnerability, empathy, boundaries – we're discussing all this and more.
We're continuing the ABCs of Bounce with “B” for Beliefs. What is the connection between beliefs and emotions? How do attachments influence beliefs? How can we win the battle for our mind? We're looking at this and more in this week's episode.
This episode continues the ABCs of Bounce discussion with Part Two of Appreciation. We're walking through the acrostic G.A.M.E.S. This is a great acrostic to work through for yourself or in a group to build joy and appreciation. It stands for Gratitude, Anticipation, Memories, Experiences, Singing.
In this episode we’re starting a sub topic within the larger Resilience series. We are looking at what Marcus calls the ABCs of Bounce. We'll give an overview of the ABCs and then dive deeper into the “A” – Appreciation.
We're continuing our conversation about emotional resilience by looking at the importance of nurturing a rhythm of joy and rest. What are joy and rest from a biblical and brain perspective? How can we start nurturing a rhythm to grow and sustain our emotional capacity?
Are you scraping the bottom of the barrel? We're starting 2023 with a much-needed look at emotional resilience. For this episode, we're setting up capacity. What is it? Why is it important? What are some small steps we can take to get more of it?
In this episode we wrap up our Life of Jesus series with a look at the resurrection. Marcus has two acrostics for you! We'll be taking a break for Christmas and be back with a new episodes in 2023. In the meantime, Merry Christmas!
In this episode we continue discussing the life of Jesus with a look at the crucifixion. Marcus has an acrostic to help us remember the main points of meaning attached to Christ's crucifixion. This acrostic is aptly C.R.O.S.S.
If Jesus made a bumper sticker, what would it be? In this episode we're talking about Jesus' teachings on the Gospel, and Marcus names and discusses four core values of the Kingdom of Heaven: Salvation, Stewardship, Spirituality, and Servant Love.
Do you want an easy way to remember the basic timeline of the ministry of Jesus? In this episode, we're talking through one of Marcus's acrostics, which will help you feel S.M.A.R.T. as you piece together the five stages of Jesus' earthly ministry.
This episode starts a new series about the life of Jesus. Jesus fulfilled at least 300 prophecies in the Bible. We'll talk about three prophetic pictures we can use as anchors for how we think through some of these prophecies. Like in our last series, these anchors can be remembered with three S's: Seed, Suffering […]
In part six of our Kingdom Worldview series, we're concluding the series with a look at the third pillar of a Kingdom Worldview: Spiritual Warfare.
In part five of our Kingdom Worldview series, we're looking at the second pillar of a Kingdom Worldview: Sovereign Lordship.
In part four of our Kingdom Worldview series, we're looking at the first pillar of a Kingdom Worldview: Sacred Romance.
In part three of our Kingdom Worldview series, we're looking at an overview of the three pillars of a Kingdom Worldview. These three pillars are Sacred Romance, Sovereign Lordship, and Spiritual Warfare.
In part two of the Kingdom Worldview series, we explore how belonging affects worldview and how to think about worldview theologically.
In episode seventeen, we begin our third series! We’re talking about the Kingdom worldview. What is worldview? Why is it so important for Christians to understand?
Today we wrap up our conversation about the heart-focused discipleship model “F.I.S.H.” In this episode, we talk about maturity, groups and individuals on the journey, and more.
Today we finish our conversation about the “F” of F.I.S.H. – Freedom. In this episode, we approach the topic from a spiritual warfare perspective.
Today and next week we're looking at the “F” of F.I.S.H. – Freedom. In this episode, we're talking about dealing with wounds from the past.
Today we finish our conversation about the “I” of F.I.S.H. – Identity. This episode approaches identity from the brain science perspective.
Today and next week we're looking at the “I” of F.I.S.H. – Identity. This episode approaches identity from the New Covenant perspective.
Today we're continuing to look at the “S” of F.I.S.H. – Spirit & Scripture.
Today we're covering “Living in the Spirit” – a look at the “S” of F.I.S.H.
Today we're looking at the “H” of F.I.S.H. – heart-focused community.
In this episode, we apply the F.I.S.H. model to mission, affectionately known as “Go FISH.”
An introduction to the heart-focused discipleship model known as “F.I.S.H. and Go FISH.”
We wrap up discussing concepts found in the book The Solution of Choice by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder. This episode focuses on how Post-Modernism and the “Solution of Tolerance” impacted the church's approach to discipleship and then begins to introduce how to fix the broken discipleship factory.
We continue discussing concepts found in the book The Solution of Choice by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder. This episode focuses on how Modernism and the “Solution of Power” impacted the church's approach to discipleship.
We continue discussing concepts found in the book The Solution of Choice by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder. This episode focuses on how Voluntarism and the “Solution of Choice” impacted the church's approach to discipleship.
We continue discussing concepts found in the book The Solution of Choice by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder. This episode focuses on how the Enlightenment and the “Solution of Truth” impacted the church's approach to discipleship.
This episode is an introduction to the concepts found in the book The Solution of Choice by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder. It discusses how the Enlightenment impacted the church's approach to discipleship.
An introduction to the who and what of Deeper Walk and the On the Trail podcast.
Dr. Marcus Warner has served as president of Deeper Walk International since 2006. Marcus earned three degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School – M.Div., Th.M. Old Testament, and D.Min. He has written numerous books and spoken for both ministry and corporate groups across the country and around the world. A Bible teacher at heart, Marcus has taught Old Testament and Theology at the junior high, high school, college, and seminary levels. His passion is taking complex topics and making them practical and accessible for everyone.
Stephanie Warner is the publishing coordinator at Deeper Walk International and has served as the editor for over a dozen books including Building Bounce, The Pandora Problem, Understanding the Wounded Heart, and Strategic Business Prayer. Classically educated, Stephanie has taught Latin and ancient history and has a passion for helping Christians understand the epicness of a biblical worldview. Stephanie is also an aspiring novelist who specializes in epic fantasy for adults. She completed her master’s degree in Biblical Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2023.
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