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What’s the difference between a Back-to-Back marriage and a Side-by-Side marriage? Do you think it could be possible to have a Face-to-Face marriage even? Rev. Jeff Pokone shares how God transformed his own marriage into something that is healthy and thriving at every level of intimacy God intends for us to enjoy. Jeff shares God’s Scriptural wisdom for marriage and many insightful, practical principles that everyone from newlyweds to diamond-year couples will enjoy learning and remembering!


Extreme Marriage Makeover

What’s the difference between a Back-to-Back marriage and a Side-by-Side marriage? Do you think it could be possible to have a Face-to-Face marriage even? Jeff Pokone shares how God transformed his own marriage into something that is healthy and thriving at every level of intimacy God intends for us to enjoy. Jeff shares God’s Scriptural wisdom for marriage and many insightful, practical principles that everyone from newlyweds to diamond-year couples will enjoy learning and remembering!


Center Director at Indiana Biblical Counseling Center

Rev. Jeffrey Pokone has been a counselor with the Indiana Biblical Counseling Center since the fall of 1998. He has a wide range of experience and expertise in many areas of counseling. He counsels clients in the following areas; marriage oneness, healing from childhood trauma and abuse, recovery from spiritual abuse, freedom from sexual addictions, resolving spiritual conflicts, overcoming fear disorders and depression, growing in maturity, bonding and attachment, and family counseling. He also conducts marriage retreats and seminars to equip church leaders and laymen for effective discipleship and counseling ministry within the Body of Christ.

For over 35 years, Rev. Pokone has served in full time ministry. He is an ordained minister, not a licensed counselor. He served extensively through the ministry of Teen Challenge in Michigan, Minnesota, and California for twelve years before coming to Indiana Biblical Counseling Center where he currently serves as counselor and Center Director. He is a graduate of North Central University.

Jeff is to his wife Suzette and has five children. God continues to build His life message in their marriage and family for His glory!

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