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In God’s Design for Relating to Us, Deni Huttula, MA, LMHC, expounds on God’s design and desire for us –relationally- as His people. This understanding lays a foundation to walking relationally with God.

In this session, you will be inspired as you listen to Deni explain how personal God is in attaching with us relationally. Your anticipation of walking with God will grow as you learn more about our design to attach with God!


It’s Personal: God, Attachment, and You!

In God’s Design for Relating to Us, Deni Huttula expounded on God’s design and desire for us –relationally- as His people. This understanding laid a foundation to walking relationally with God.

In this session, you will be inspired as you listen to Deni explain how personal God is in attaching with us relationally. Your anticipation of walking with God will rise as you understand how possible it is to attach with God!

This perspective may move you from religious practice to relational engagement!


Life Coaching

Denesia Huttula (Deni) is passionate about understanding the effects trauma has on our relational and emotional systems in the brain.

She discovered attachment theory 24 years ago while pregnant with her first child. Since then she’s been applying the concepts of Dr. Sears, Dr. Schore, and Daniel Siegel in her own relationships with her children, husband, and other family and friends.

She has personally found that God understands how we are designed- and He knows exactly how to work within that system to help us heal. The discovery of how science is aligning with the experiences she has had with God in her own healing journey is fuel for her aspirations.

She hopes to help shed some light on how the two go together in her future work as both a counselor and an author. Her latest book, The Author Still Speaks is just the beginning of her attempts to share the good news of how knowing God impacts our identity and emotional stability.

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