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Dr. Jim Wilder presented at an ICBC national conference on the social history and impact of normalized pornography and sexual unfaithfulness within the context of neuroscience data and the failure to reach adult level maturity. He then discusses how and why such a failure can occur and what steps one must take in order to gain the required maturity and no longer depend on the addictive behavior to deal with any future feelings of overwhelm.


Recovering from Sexual Addiction - Part 1

Largely referencing the work of Dr. Allen Shore and the wisdom of God found in Scripture, Jim reviews the levels of decisive action in the brain and how much information is processed both consciously or not.

Recovering from Sexual Addiction - Part 2

Jim reviews the 6 stages of maturity, focusing on infant and child stages, and what major milestones mark the transition point between them and how trauma or lack of maturity skill transmission leads to the failure to either acquire what was needed or complete necessary tasks to reach adult maturity which ultimately leads to addiction of all kinds.

Recovering from Sexual Addiction - Part 3

Jim shares about the brain’s need for a joy and rest pattern throughout all of life and how synchronizing Joy and Quiet is the basis of forming the deepest attachments before moving deeper into physical areas and responsibilities of the brain itself. Finally, Dr. Wilder shares what the most important needs and tasks for maturation are.

Recovering from Sexual Addiction - Part 4

Jim continues discussing synchronization needs and where the different responsibilities of human consciousness are located in the physical brain. He reviews the levels of conscious thought and speaks towards what it means for a person to maintain enough capacity to endure difficulty that they may remain relational and act like themselves, that is, not depend on a substance,  behavior, or other person to regulate their sense of overwhelm and thus remain in addiction cycles. He concludes reviewing the 8-Step process for resolving traumas.

Recovering from Sexual Addiction - Part 5

Jim concludes this series by connecting all the dots between sexual addiction and maturity levels, attachment needs, skill developments, and the individual’s identity center. He shares practical insights for resolving trauma, practices for growing resolve for joy and quiet rhythms, coaching for those who experience healing from unresolved trauma so they can complete the required maturity growing tasks for life, and ultimately finding and growing a group identity with God and His people.


Founder Life Model Works

Jim Wilder has extensive clinical counseling experience and is the chief neurotheologian of Life Model Works, a nonprofit working at the intersection of brain science and theology. He is also the lead developer of the Life Model, which is building contagiously healthy Christian communities through equipping existing networks with the skills to thrive.

Dr. Jim Wilder (PhD, Clinical Psychology, and MA, Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary) has been training leaders and counselors for over four decades on five continents. He is the author of over twenty books with a strong focus on maturity and relational skills. His coauthored book, Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You has sold over 100,000 copies in eleven languages. Wilder has published numerous articles and developed video and relational leadership training called THRIVE.

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