The Deeper Walk Guide To The Bible

Experience a truly distinctive online Bible class led by Dr. Marcus Warner. In these 8 sessions, you’ll delve into the nine foundational blocks of biblical theology, uncover memory aids for retaining key biblical themes, unveil intriguing patterns within Scripture, gain insights into biblical geography and chronology, and master the use of logos and acrostic-based outlines to remember Old Testament books. Expect to elevate your understanding of the Bible and witness life lessons come alive on its pages like never before.

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An online Bible class unlike any you have ever attended.

Join Dr. Marcus Warner for this unique and helpful survey of the Bible. In these 8 sessions:

  • You will learn the nine building blocks of biblical theology.
  • You will be introduced to numerous memory devices for recalling and explaining important biblical themes.
  • You will discover fascinating patterns in the text of Scripture that illuminate their meaning.
  • You will learn basic geography and chronology related to the Bible.
  • You will learn to use logos and acrostic-based outlines for remembering the content of several Old Testament books.
  • You will understand the Bible better than ever and see life lessons jump off the page like never before!

Related Resources

The book this course is tied to is The Deeper Walk Guide to the Bible which is available for purchase at our Online Bookstore. It is not required but may be a helpful resource for going deeper into this topic.


Session 1a

Session 1 Notes

Chronology, Geography, Theology

Session 1b

Chronology, Geography, Theology

Session 2a

Session 2 Notes

Promise, Law, Torah, OT Messiah

Session 2b

Promise, Law, Torah, OT Messiah

Session 3a

Session 3 Notes

Exile, Second Temple, Prophecy

Session 3b

Exile, Second Temple, Prophecy

Session 4a

Session 4 Notes

New Testament: Jesus, Paul, New Covenant

Session 4b

New Testament: Jesus, Paul, New Covenant


Deeper Walk International President

Marcus Warner has served as president of Deeper Walk International since 2006. Marcus earned three degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School – M.Div., Th.M. Old Testament, and D.Min. He has written numerous books including his most recent title, Breakthrough! 5 Essential Strategies for Freedom, Healing, & Wholeness. An in-demand speaker, Marcus has spoken for both ministry and corporate groups across the country and around the world. A Bible teacher at heart, Marcus has taught Old Testament and Theology at the junior high, high school, college, and seminary levels. His passion is taking complex topics and making them practical and accessible for everyone.

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