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Have you ever felt like you’re in a battle where it seems as though the enemy is bigger than God? Judy Bubeck Dunagan has been there and knows what that feels like.

It is true that we do have an enemy who “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Yet it’s also true that there is a Greater Lion who has already won the victory for us – our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this free one-hour webinar Dr. Marcus Warner interviews Judy about her new book, “The Loudest Roar: Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ.”

You’ll get to hear Judy share some of the challenges and spiritual battles she has faced, and how God taught her to stand in the unshakable victory of Christ. Part of that teaching was from her father, Mark Bubeck, the founder of Deeper Walk.



Deeper Walk International Board Member

Judy Dunagan is the author of The Loudest Roar: Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ. A wonder seeker of God and His Word, Judy is passionate about discipleship and making God’s Word and prayer come alive in everyday life. She is a speaker and Bible teacher and an acquisitions editor of women’s Bible studies and books at Moody Publishers. And she serves on the Board of Deeper Walk International, the ministry her father Mark Bubeck founded. Judy and her husband, Rick, live in Colorado and are the joyful grandparents of five grandchildren. Connect at:

Deeper Walk International President

Marcus Warner has served as president of Deeper Walk International since 2006. Marcus earned three degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School – M.Div., Th.M. Old Testament, and D.Min. He has written numerous books including his most recent title, Breakthrough! 5 Essential Strategies for Freedom, Healing, & Wholeness. An in-demand speaker, Marcus has spoken for both ministry and corporate groups across the country and around the world. A Bible teacher at heart, Marcus has taught Old Testament and Theology at the junior high, high school, college, and seminary levels. His passion is taking complex topics and making them practical and accessible for everyone.

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