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Have a heart to help real people with real problems? Want to see wounded hearts healed and captives set free? In 2022, Deeper Walk launched our very own School of Ministry. In this 1-hour webinar, hear from some current School of Ministry students about how the program has brought personal growth and significant ministry equipping to their lives. And get a glimpse of where the School is heading in the years to come.



Deeper Walk International President

Marcus Warner has served as president of Deeper Walk International since 2006. Marcus earned three degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School – M.Div., Th.M. Old Testament, and D.Min. He has written numerous books including his most recent title, Breakthrough! 5 Essential Strategies for Freedom, Healing, & Wholeness. An in-demand speaker, Marcus has spoken for both ministry and corporate groups across the country and around the world. A Bible teacher at heart, Marcus has taught Old Testament and Theology at the junior high, high school, college, and seminary levels. His passion is taking complex topics and making them practical and accessible for everyone.

Director, Deeper Walk School of Ministry

Dawn Whitestone (MA, LMHC) serves as the Director of the Deeper Walk School of Ministry. She is also the Founding Partner & Chief Growth Catalyst at WhiteStone Professionals. Her passion is growing people and organizations into their full potential.

Dawn has served as an executive coach, strategic planner, and training designer. Her unique approach to following God’s purposes and plans is captured in the book Strategic Business Prayer and its companion workbook.

Dawn’s zest for joyful living is rooted in a strong family, vibrant faith, and familiarity with suffering. Her personal experiences with divorce, grief, and family illness give her a compassion that undergirds her love for life and passion for people. Dawn fills her joy bucket loving her husband, volunteering in her church, and spending time with friends in Lakeland, Florida.

Deeper Walk Associate

Greg Neumayer (MATS, M.Min) is a gifted communicator who has been leading and teaching Heart-Focused Discipleship principles since 2015. As a local church pastor he has used Deeper Walk materials for small groups, bible studies, relational discipleship, and pastoral care as well as personal and organization retreats around the country. In 2021-22 Greg played a key role in launching our School of Ministry and then led Cohorts 2 and 4 as Senior Instructor. As a part of the Speaking Team he’s been honored to present for groups like local churches from The Brethren in Christ, Missionary Church, Lutheran-Missouri Synod, and Evangelical Free denominations along with regional and/or national leadership teams from the Evana Network, The Salvation Army, and others. Greg’s passion is helping your people discover their unique calling and fuel it with joy and belonging in the Lord’s epic story.

Director of Operations - Deeper Walk International

Nik has an Masters in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary and helped plant a church and new college ministry in Seattle, where he served in pastoral ministry for 16 years. Nik currently resides in Northern California with his wife, Kristy, and four children. Nik’s passion is helping people grow in emotional, relational, and spiritual health.

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