Core Course 1 - Heart-Focused Discipleship

This course is FREE

Course One of the Deeper Walk Institute explains the foundations of heart-focused discipleship. This is core discipleship material that every Christian needs to understand. You will learn how heart-focused discipleship is different than traditional discipleship and four core issues that can help you get unstuck and get moving in your walk with God.

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Course 1 1 Heart Focused Discipleship

1. Heart-Focused Discipleship

Traditional discipleship tends to focus on the ABC’s – Academics, Behavior, and Church, but often misses the heart. This session describes the difference between traditional discipleship and heart-focused discipleship and why a focus on the heart is crucial to any discipleship agenda.

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2. The Well: Four Elements of Heart-Focused Discipleship

Some Christians are like clogged wells. They have the Spirit inside of them, but something is stuck. The four elements of HFD relate to life in the Spirit – healing for baggage, freedom from bondage, a foundation of grace, and a listening/obeying walk in the Spirit. The remainder of the sessions will unpack these four core elements of HFD.

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3. The Grace Foundation: Law vs. Grace

Christians have historically struggled to trust grace to produce character. The temptation is always to add law to grace. People fear that without a line in the sand, people will turn to sin. Grace, however, provides a magnet that attracts us to Christ. As we live for Him and in relationship with Him, the line in the sand becomes irrelevant.

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4. The Grace Foundation: New Covenant

God made grace the foundation of our relationship with Him and the New Covenant sets out the legal implications of grace for our identity in Christ and what that means for how we should live.

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5. The Spirit: Walking in the Flesh vs. Walking in the Spirit

Few things are more miserable than trying to live the Christian life by walking in the flesh. The flesh has desires. The mind set on the flesh has strategies to meet those desires. The fruit of these desires and strategies are flesh patterns that keep us stuck. Part of breaking free is learning a new pattern for life: Seeking God, Listening to God, Obeying God, and Watching what happens.

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6. The Spirit: Listening Prayer

A core element of walking in the Spirit is learning to recognize the voice of God. You will learn several tools for helping you grow in the practice of listening prayer and how to recognize when the Spirit is speaking.

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7. REAL Prayer: Emotional Healing

This session explains the simple, practical, yet powerful listening prayer model called “REAL prayer” for emotional healing.

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8. Bondage: Spiritual Warfare

Life is lived in the context of spiritual warfare. One of the first principles of warfare is to know your enemy. In this session you will learn the basic principles of spiritual warfare, how we surrender ground to the Adversary, and how we reclaim that surrendered ground.



Deeper Walk International President

Marcus Warner has served as president of Deeper Walk International since 2006.  Marcus earned three degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School – M.Div., Th.M. Old Testament, and D.Min.  He has written numerous books and spoken for both ministry and corporate groups across the country and around the world.  A Bible teacher at heart, Marcus has taught Old Testament and Theology at the junior high, high school, college, and seminary levels.  His passion is taking complex topics and making them practical and accessible for everyone.

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