The Body, the Brain & Breakthrough – Continuing Education Credits (3.5 CEs)




The Body, the Brain & Breakthrough CEs

This item is for the purchase of the post-test and CE certificate only. For more information and to purchase access to the conference, please click here


3.5 CEs for Satisfactory Completion: This is for 3.5 Continuing Education credits upon satisfactory completion. Participants must have purchased access to the conference, completed evaluation, and completed post-test with passing grade of 75% in order to receive a certificate. Failure to complete and submit these materials will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire course. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available.

NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING: Deeper Walk International has been approved by the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board (License #98000989a) as an educational provider approved to offer Category I continuing education to social workers, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, addiction counselors, and clinical addiction counselors. Please check with your state licensing board to see if CEs granted by the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board (License #98000989a) count in your state and for your occupation. 


Learning Objectives

Session 1: Dr. Marcus Warner

Title: How God Designed the Body and Brain to Make us Emotional/Relational Beings

Overview: In this session, Dr. Marcus Warner will unpack the connection between emotions, the body and the brain. Every emotion begins in the brain and is experienced in the body. This presentation will explore the idea of consciousness and the mystery surrounding the mind and the brain. It will also explain the development of the brain’s emotional regulation system, the peripheral nervous system, and the five engines that drive our emotions.

Learning Objectives: 

  • An overview of how emotions are related to the body and the brain.
  • Insight into the mystery of consciousness by looking at the relationship between mind and body.
  • An introduction to the role of the peripheral nervous system in the emotional regulation process.
  • An understanding of the 5 engines that drive our emotions.

Session 2: Dr. Jim Wilder (Ph.D.)

Title: The Firewall around My True Self

Overview: Brennan Manning said “The false self is frustrated because he never hears God’s voice. He cannot, since God sees no one there.” We can easily develop a performance based false self that lives an unprotected life managing its image to the world, the flesh and the devil. Our true self is protected by a “firewall” in the brain that limits who can change our identities to those who are attached to us. As we mature the conditions for developing our true self also change. Most Christians and churches get trapped changing the image of their false self rather than growing their true self. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Where we keep identity in our brain
    • The true self
    • The false self
      • Outcome centered
      • Very susceptible to control by others
      • Lives in fantasy
      • May be the only self we know
  • 4 deadly Ps that shape the false self
    • Pleasing – approval of others
    • Performance – success and winning 
    • Pain avoidance
    • Pleasure seeking
  • The firewall around identity
    • How identity changes with maturity 
    • Identity before age 13
    • Identity after age 13
  • The true self is behind a firewall but the false self is not
    • Image management is the defense of the false self
    • Attachment is the protection for the true self 
    • Attachment to God helps our true self become our eternal self 


Session 3: Dr. Todd Hall

Title: Relational Spirituality in Coaching: Creating a Secure Base to Help People Flourish

Overview: Social disconnection is on the rise. As a result, many Christians feel disconnected, leading to unhealthy relational patterns, spiritual struggles, and ineffective ministry. How, then, do we help people cultivate authentic relational connection with God and others? In this presentation, you’ll learn how to apply the Relational Spirituality model (Hall, 2021), including an attachment lens, to the roles of coaching and discipleship. We’ll explore strategies for creating a secure base using a tool called the comfort-challenge matrix. We’ll also cover how to tailor interventions for different attachment styles. 

Learning Objectives:

  • The impact of the connection crisis on our spirituality 
  • A research-backed model for spiritual growth through relationship 
  • How to identify your attachment tendencies to accelerate your personal and spiritual development 
  • How to use the Attachment Filter Matrix to customize interventions to your clients’ unique needs 
  • A scientifically backed tool – the Comfort-Challenge Matrix – to help others unleash their potential  


Session 4: Dr. Marcus Warner

Title: Where To Go From Here

Overview: Dr. Marcus Warner will give practical next steps for lay people and those in helping professions on how to continue learning about and applying insights from the 5 Engines Growth Model.

Learning Objectives: 

  • A review of the 5 engines that drive our emotions.
  • Practical next steps for continued learning and application of the 5 Engines Growth Model.


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