Core Course 2 - Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is not just dramatic stories from foreign lands, paranormal activity and demons inhabiting people. All of that can happen, and it is good to know how to deal with it if you have to, but most spiritual warfare happens as a battle for the mind. This course will focus on the role of spiritual warfare in helping people get free from the strongholds that keep them stuck.

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1. A Warfare Worldview

The Enlightenment has had a much bigger impact on the way most of us perceive reality than we might imagine. In this session you will learn what a worldview is, how it impacts the way we live, and why understanding the role of spirits in every day life is so important.

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2. Warfare Basics

The two core principles you need to know in order to understand spiritual warfare are permission and authority. You will learn how people often unwittingly give the devil a greater place in their lives than he ought to have and how dealing with permission and authority can reclaim that ground.

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3. Christians and Demons

Some theologians argue that Christians cannot have demons and thus do not need to get free from their control. In this session, we will explore what the Bible has to say about how much influence demons can have in the life of a Christian and what to do about it.

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4. Permission 1 – Sin and Soul Ties

This first way Christians often give permission to demons to exercise control in their lives is by sinning and justifying that sin rather than repenting. When we bond with someone else through sin, a soul tie can be formed, and you will learn how those can be broken in this session.

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5. Permission 2 – Occult Involvement

There are consequences to participating in activities like astrology, fortune telling, and other occult activities that Christians need to understand and learn how to resolve. In this session you will learn what the occult is, how it can get disguised as Christian spirituality, and how to get free from its grasp.

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6. Permission 3 – Unforgiveness

One of the most common forms of bondage experienced by Christians occurs because of bitterness. You will learn what forgiveness is, what it isn’t, and what the process of forgiveness looks like. We will also discuss the ideas of forgiving yourself and forgiving God.

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7. Permission 4 – Lineage

You may have heard of generational curses. This session will discuss those but also look at the broader issue of generational iniquity and how the sins of our ancestors can give permission to demons to a greater role in our lives than we might realize.

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8. Warfare Ministry

This session will look at the practical issues involved in setting up and running a session with a person who is looking to go through the Steps to Freedom or something similar.



Deeper Walk International President

Marcus Warner has served as president of Deeper Walk International since 2006.  Marcus earned three degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School – M.Div., Th.M. Old Testament, and D.Min.  He has written numerous books and spoken for both ministry and corporate groups across the country and around the world.  A Bible teacher at heart, Marcus has taught Old Testament and Theology at the junior high, high school, college, and seminary levels.  His passion is taking complex topics and making them practical and accessible for everyone.

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