Core Course 4 - Advanced Issues

The wounds of the heart are real for everyone. Painful past experiences plow open the soil of our hearts and healing is needed. For some, these wounds are deeper and more complex, requiring someone with compassion and competency to walk alongside them for an extended time. Course 4 equips those ministering to the deeply wounded.

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dwi institute 4 1 ministry to the deeply wounded

1. Ministry to the Deeply Wounded

The deeply wounded are those with complex trauma that requires a healing journey and not simply a few sessions to experience a breakthrough. This lesson introduces four essential elements of that healing journey: Listening Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, Right Brain Skills, and Left Brain Truth. It also introduces three essential resources for such a journey; A relationally connected community, a skilled counselor, and a diverse team.

dwi institute 4 2 dealing with dissocation

2. Dealing with Dissociation

Dissociation is common in people who get overwhelmed by trauma, especially at an early age. If you work with deeply wounded people for very long, you are almost certain to encounter it. This lesson explains the basics of what dissociative identities are and how they form. It also establishes four goals that need to shape the healing journey.

dwi institute 4 3 dealing with demons

3. Dealing with Demons

This session will teach you how to recognize demonic activity and provides steps and tools for helping bring resolution to situations you may encounter in which demons must be confronted.

dwi institute 4 4 dealing with the occult

4. Dealing with the Occult

Whether people have dabbled in the occult, been heavily involved in Wicca, Satanism, or the New Age Movement, this session will give you guidance in understanding core occult practices and worldview. It will also introduce a clear path for resolution of the issues involved.

dwi institute 4 5 dealing with addiction

5. Dealing with Addiction

Addictions are non-relational joy substitutes. You will learn what drives addiction, how it affects the body, and how listening prayer, spiritual warfare, right brain skills, and left brain truth all work together to help with recovery.

dwi institute 4 6 dealing with eating disorders

6. Dealing with Eating Disorders

This session will take a deeper dive into the specific addictions related to eating disorders. We will explore cultural influences, common behaviors, and walk through the role played by each of the four essential elements of a healing journey.

dwi institute 4 7 dealing with sexual bondage

7. Dealing with Sexual Bondage

Sexual bondage includes any unwanted or compulsive sexual activity. You will learn how the wound, lie, vow, stronghold pattern introduced in course 1 commonly plays out in forming sexual strongholds. The session concludes with a look at how the four essential elements of a healing journey work together in recovery from such bondage.

dwi institute 4 8 dealing with narcissism

8. Dealing with Narcissism

Based on material from Dr. Jim Wilder, this session introduces the difference between peacock & skunk narcissism and offers some practical tools for talking to and helping people who do not know how to return to joy from shame.



Deeper Walk International President

Marcus Warner has served as president of Deeper Walk International since 2006.  Marcus earned three degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School – M.Div., Th.M. Old Testament, and D.Min.  He has written numerous books and spoken for both ministry and corporate groups across the country and around the world.  A Bible teacher at heart, Marcus has taught Old Testament and Theology at the junior high, high school, college, and seminary levels.  His passion is taking complex topics and making them practical and accessible for everyone.

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